Christmas Wishes.
At this moment of fraternity and joy, here is our message for reflection on the cycle that begins.

Watch your thoughts,
They become words.
Watch your words,
They become actions.
Watch your actions,
They become habits.
Watch your habits,
They become your character.
Watch your character,
It becomes your destiny.
(Lao Tsé).
We are grateful that you have participated with us in 2017, believing in our proposal, helping us to generate opportunities and make a difference in the world.
A Merry Christmas and a 2018 full of Peace and Accomplishments.
(*) Fulvio Delicato is an engineer with an emphasis on aircraft design at EESC-USP, class 84. Has worked for the main aviation companies in Brazil (air transport), for Embraer, at the FGV Brazilian Chamber of Conciliation and Arbitration, for Accenture as "Aviation. Aerospace & Defense" executive for Latin America. He is currently Director of Delicato Consultoria and CEO of Aerospace Brazil Certifications.